MEDITAȚII GRATUITE la matematică, pentru viitorii studenți!
Profesorii de la Poli vin în sprijinul elevilor de clasa a XII-a care în acest an dau Bac-ul. Așadar aceștia sunt așteptați la cursurile gratuite de matematică, ce vor avea loc săptămânal.
Departamentul de Matematică al Universității Politehnica Timişoara organizează, și anul acesta, cursuri pregătitoare de Matematici pentru potenţialii săi studenţi.
Cursurile se adresează tuturor elevilor interesați, indiferent de facultatea pe care doresc să o urmeze şi independent de forma admiterii pentru care optează (concurs cu dosare sau concurs cu probe de verificare). Temele dezbătute urmează conţinutul „Culegerii de probleme pentru examenul de bacalaureat şi admiterea în Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara” și sunt deosebit de utile atât pentru examenul de bacalaureat cât și pentru programa anului I de studii.
„Cursurile de Matematică pentru potențialii studenți ai Politehnicii au devenit o tradiție. Ne bucurăm să observăm un interes deosebit din partea elevilor, care abia așteaptă să anunțăm programarea întâlnirilor. Ei își doresc să treacă cu brio exemenul de bacalaureat și să poată deveni studenți, iar noi suntem mulțumiți știind că vom avea studenți bine pregătiți care să poată face față cerințelor universității noastre”, a precizat Liviu Cădariu-Brăiloiu, directorul Departamentului de Matematică.
La fel ca în anii precedenți, cursurile sunt gratuite şi se vor desfăşura în fiecare duminică, în perioada 26 februarie – 18 iunie 2017, cu excepţia duminicilor din 9 Aprilie, 16 Aprilie şi 04 Iunie.
Elevii sunt așteptați în amfiteatrul D1 al Facultăţii de Automatică și Calculatoare, Bulevardul V. Pârvan nr. 2, între orele 10.00 şi 13.00. Participanţilor la cursuri nu li se solicită nici un fel de angajament faţă de UPT.
Movie actor cum rapper, Adeniyi Akanni, popularly known as Neyoswaggz,
is one act that is certainly living his dream. He loves doing his
thing in cool way and being himself. The Ondo State native sure knows how to create a buzz, especially with issues that will attract discuss.
He was in The Guardian during the week to discuss his big project movie, Scandal, a reality movie
about the happenings in the industry. He spoke to DANIEL ANAZIA.
How did your journey into the movie industry begin?
It wasn’t something I planned. One of our directors who needed my kind of ‘swag’ and looks for a certain role
called me to a location. At first, I never wanted to
honour the invite but something kept pushing me
and at the end, I really had a swell time.
How long have you been acting?
I have been in the industry for about seven years.
What has been your achievement in this period of your career?
Let me begin by giving thanks to God Almighty for his grace
and mercies. There have improvement and achievements so far; I’m not where I used to be before.
I have produced a big project movie, and moved from the C-class actor to B-class.
I have featured in couple of movies including cinema movies.
Can you let us into some these movies?
It will take whole lot of time if I start reeling them out
but I will mention a few of them like Kileremije, Omo Ketu, Kogba
Koje, Dark Face, Parity Fathers Aye Foreign, Iyawo Igbo, 28th Wedding, Iroyin, Ota Ibon, Omo
Odo, Doctor and Romilayo among others
You did say you are now a producer. What is the title of
your movie project and what informed the choice
of the title?
Yes, it titled Scandal. I tried to portray what goes on in the industry — the lifestyle of the celebrities in the movies industry,
the day-to-day scandalous activities. A lot of actors and actresses are often embroiled in one scandal or the other, and that is what we try to portray in the movie.
Don’t you think the movie will put against your colleagues in the
industry as what they try to guard against, you are bringing to public domain for people
to see?
Yes, but we must understand that movie is a real life story told in a fiction. What I’m
trying to do with movie is pass to world real aspect
of life the actor. As social agents, our job as actors,
producers is to teach people the reality of life. We have seen secrets of people shot into movies
and it was well accepted.
Are there really scandals in the movie industry as being speculated and reported?
There is scandal everywhere, even in the churches.
In some place it might be little and in another much.
Yes, there are scandals in the industry and it is not an everyday thing
or usual. You must have heard of stories of actress
snatching husband, an actor caught in the act with an actress or a director caught with an actress; it something that is widely known,
so it is not hidden. So, what I try to do with movie
is to showcase the reality of the issue and help put at
rest the misconception often held by people about actors and actress,
as well as the industry generally.
Is targeted at anybody or some people?
No, it is not targeted at anybody. Rather,
like I did said earlier, all we try to do is portray the realities of the industry.
It is scandalous activities in different forms and not just in a particular form, from flirting to killing and all
sort of scandals like that.
From your own perception, do you think actors and
actresses are flirts?
You must understand that the nature of the job itself is crazy, but it all about being discipline.
I can’t compare you to me, the way you do your thing
is different from the way I do mine; everybody has
a way of doing things. People may assume an actress or actor maybe a flirt due to
their character in movies but in reality they are not.
When is the movie being release?
Hopefully this July or August, we are putting finishing touches
on the post-production.
What do you consider before accepting a script?
An actor is meant to interpret a writer’s script to entertain and inform an audience.
The storyline, quality and the morals embedded in the script are what I consider.
Let’s talk about your music, what genre of music do play?
I’m into hip-hop but do more of fluent rap.
Why did you abandon music for movies?
I never abandon music for movies; rather, I have been more prominent in movies these days, and I have been busy
lately. I know my fans are worried about my disappearance from the music scene but I will drop some stuff
Are you now 100 percent officially into acting or you are still neck deep into rap music?
I’m a rapper, writer, a movie actor and an engineer; all
of these aspect of my life are hey are 100 percent official.
It’s all about ‘Ganas’ in Spanish language and when translated mean the
gifted ability to succeed.
What is your take on rap music in Nigeria?
I have been asked this question time and again, and my response is
that hardcore hip-hop in Nigeria is not dead. Rather is getting better and stronger with some artistes managing to hold the game tight.